Makevisitors: Stack Visitor

At this point in the assignment, makevisitors can generate a Java class hierarchy and visitor from the data type definitions in haskell/stack.hs. Now, we will implement an evaluator for the stack machine. To do so, we need to implement a StackInstrVisitor.

The file java/ contains a partial implementation of a StackInstrVisitor, along with a program that evaluates a sample list of stack instructions. Your job is to complete the StackInstrVisitor implementation.

Your task: complete the StackInstrVisitor implementation by filling in the implementation for the visit methods.


  • If you understand the visitor pattern well, this should be a straightforward implementation.
  • You may want to review the lab, to brush up on how to write new visitors.
  • Here are the semantics of the instructions, copied from our assignment earlier in the semester. Keep in mind that these rules are defined using the Haskell data type names.
If the stack looks like and the operation is afterwards the stack should be
Push $r$ $r$ …
$a$ $b$ … DoOp PlusOp $(b+a)$ …
$a$ $b$ … DoOp MinusOp $(b-a)$ …
$a$ $b$ … DoOp TimesOp $(b*a)$ …
$a$ $b$ … DoOp DivOp $(b/a)$ …
$a$ $b$ … Swap $b$ $a$ …
  • To check that everything works, you can run the following command from the top-level code directory:

     make stack

    If you see the word SUCCESS, then your Java code compiled and produced the correct answer. You’re all done!