Modules and Tests

This page describes one way of writing and running tests in Haskell.

Some of the code on this page uses features that we won’t see until later in the semester, specifically $, do, and IO. But it might be useful to learn about testing before we learn about these Haskell features, and you can write tests without having to know these details.

An example function to test

Let’s write and test a function to compute $n!$.

Here’s the Haskell code for factorial:

  fact :: Integer -> Integer
  fact 0 = 1
  fact n = n * fact (n - 1)

To test this code, we’ll put it in a file called MyCode.hs. Once we have that code, we can manually test it using ghci. First we load the file:

  $ ghci MyCode.hs
  GHCi, version 8.6.3:  :? for help
  [1 of 1] Compiling Main             ( MyCode.hs, interpreted )
  Ok, one module loaded.

Now we can run some test cases:

  *MyCode> fact 0
  *MyCode> fact 1
  *MyCode> fact 5

Great! Now we’re almost ready to write some actual testing code; but first let’s learn a little bit about modules.


It’s good practice to keep the “code under test” (e.g., fact) separate from the tests themselves. We’ll use modules to keep the code separate. A module is just a way to organize code, which makes it easier for us to import and export functionality in large programs.

Our code under test is actually already in a module, called Main. We saw that when we loaded MyCode.hs in ghci:

  $ ghci MyCode.hs
  GHCi, version 8.6.3:  :? for help
  [1 of 1] Compiling Main             ( MyCode.hs, interpreted )
  Ok, one module loaded.

When we don’t explicitly define a module for our file, Haskell automatically defines a module called Main for that file. We don’t need to define our own module, but doing so will make our testing life easier.

To define our own module, we’ll put the following line of code at the top of the file:

  module MyCode where

This line declares the MyCode module in this file. In Haskell, a module name must match its corresponding file name. A module makes it possible for other files (e.g., our testing files) to import our code under test.

That’s all we need to do! Here are the full contents of our MyCode.hs file:

  module MyCode where

  fact :: Integer -> Integer
  fact 0 = 1
  fact n = n * fact (n - 1)

Now when we load this file in ghci, Haskell tells us the new module name:

  $ ghci MyCode.hs
  GHCi, version 8.6.3:  :? for help
  [1 of 1] Compiling MyCode           ( MyCode.hs, interpreted )
  Ok, one module loaded.

Nothing else has changed; we can still manually run test cases for our fact function:

  *MyCode> fact 0
  *MyCode> fact 1
  *MyCode> fact 5

That’s all we need to know about Haskell’s modules for now. If you’re interested in learning more about them, check out


Let’s write some tests. To do so, we’ll first organize our code in a particular way.

Code organization.

We will use the following organization for our test code. We are not required to organize our code in this way, but doing so helps us take advantage of some useful, automated test-discovery features.

Here is the organization:

  • The file with the code under test (i.e., MyCode.hs) lives in the top-level directory.
  • All test files live in a subdirectory called test.
  • The name of each test file ends in Spec.hs.

So, for our factorial code, here’s our directory structure, where FactSpec.hs will contain test code for the fact function:


Defining Tests

We’ll start by writing one unit test for fact, which tests that $0! = 1$. Inside test/FactSpec.hs, we write the following:

  module FactSpec where

  import MyCode           -- the code under test
  import Test.Hspec       -- for unit testing

  {- Testing fact -}
  spec :: Spec
  spec =      
      describe "fact" $  do
          context "fact 0" $  
              it "should be 1" $ 
                fact 0 `shouldBe` 1

  main :: IO ()
  main = hspec spec

Let’s go through this code, piece-by-piece.

The first line declares a module for this file:

  module FactSpec where

The next two lines import other modules:

  import MyCode    
  import Test.Hspec

The first import loads our code under test, which allows us to use fact in this file. The second import loads a testing library called hspec, which allows us to write tests.

Next comes the important part, a test:

  spec :: Spec
  spec =      
      describe "fact" $  do
          context "fact 0" $  
              it "should be 1" $ 
                fact 0 `shouldBe` 1

This code defines Spec, i.e., a test. It probably looks a little weird, but should be basically readable: it provides a description of the test (“fact 0 should be 1”) and the actual test:

  fact 0 `shouldBe` 1

We’ll ignore any unusual Haskell syntax for now (it should make more sense as we learn more about Haskell). If you want to write your own tests, it’s pretty easy to copy/paste and modify this code.

At the bottom of the file, we have this code, which defines a main function that runs the test using the testing library’s hspec function:

  main :: IO ()
  main = hspec spec

Now we can run our test!

Running Tests

To run our test, we can first load the test/FactSpec.hs file in ghci:

From the top-level directory of our code (the one that contains MyCode.hs), we run the following command:

  $ ghci test/FactSpec.hs
  GHCi, version 8.6.3:  :? for help
  [1 of 2] Compiling MyCode           ( MyCode.hs, interpreted )
  [2 of 2] Compiling FactSpec         ( test/FactSpec.hs, interpreted )
  Ok, two modules loaded.

Next, we run the main function, which itself runs the test:

  *FactSpec> main

    fact 0
      should be 1

  Finished in 0.0010 seconds
  1 example, 0 failures

Let’s add a couple more tests, to check that $1! = 1$ and $5! = 120$:

  module FactSpec where

  import MyCode           -- the code under test
  import Test.Hspec       -- for unit testing

  {- Testing fact -}
  spec :: Spec
  spec =      
      describe "fact" $  do

          context "fact 0" $  
              it "should be 1" $ 
                fact 0 `shouldBe` 1

          context "fact 1" $  
              it "should be 1" $ 
                fact 1 `shouldBe` 1

          context "fact 5" $  
              it "should be 120" $ 
                fact 5 `shouldBe` 120

  main :: IO ()
  main = hspec spec

To run these new tests, we need to reload the file in ghci:

  *FactSpec> :l test/FactSpec
  [1 of 2] Compiling MyCode           ( MyCode.hs, interpreted )
  [2 of 2] Compiling FactSpec         ( test/FactSpec.hs, interpreted )
  Ok, two modules loaded.

Now we can run =main= and see the results of our new tests:

  *FactSpec> main

    fact 0
      should be 1
    fact 1
      should be 1
    fact 5
      should be 120

  Finished in 0.0011 seconds
  3 examples, 0 failures

If one of our tests had failed, we could modify MyCode.hs and reload the test file. Similarly, if we want to write more tests, we could modify test/FactSpec.hs and reload it.

Property-based Testing

Now let’s explore a very cool Haskell testing library, one that lets us do property-based testing. In property-based testing, instead of defining a bunch of test cases, we describe a function’s behavior and let the testing library generate the test cases for us!

To see how this works, first, we will add a “plus one” function to MyCode.hs:

  mySuccessor :: Integer -> Integer
  mySuccessor n = succ n

This function definition is silly; it just gives another name to the built-in succ function. But our goal is not to write an interesting function; our goal is to write interesting tests.

To test the mySuccessor function, we create a file test/SuccessorSpec.hs. If we wanted, we could place unit tests in this file, like so:

  module SuccessorSpec where

  import MyCode           -- the code under test
  import Test.Hspec       -- for unit testing

  {- Testing mySuccessor -}
  spec :: Spec
  spec =      
      describe "MyCode.mySuccessor" $  do

          -- Unit testing: test one input / output pair for this function 
          context "mySuccessor 0" $  
              it "should be 1" $ 
                mySuccessor 0 `shouldBe` 1

  main :: IO ()
  main = hspec spec               

And we can run the test like so:

  $ ghci test/SuccessorSpec.hs
  GHCi, version 8.6.3:  :? for help
  [1 of 2] Compiling MyCode           ( MyCode.hs, interpreted )
  [2 of 2] Compiling SuccessorSpec    ( test/SuccessorSpec.hs, interpreted )
  Ok, two modules loaded.

  *SuccessorSpec> main

    mySuccessor 0
      should be 1

  Finished in 0.0005 seconds
  1 example, 0 failures

Property-based testing allows us to say: “The successor function should add 1 to its argument”. Here’s an update to the file that tests this “plus 1” property:

  module SuccessorSpec where

  import MyCode           -- the code under test
  import Test.Hspec       -- for unit testing
  import Test.QuickCheck  -- for property-based testing

  {- Testing mySuccessor -}
  spec :: Spec
  spec =      
      describe "MyCode.mySuccessor" $  do

          -- Unit testing: test one input / output pair for this function 
          context "mySuccessor 0" $  
              it "should be 1" $ 
                mySuccessor 0 `shouldBe` 1

          -- Property-based testing: generate input / output pairs according
          -- to a specification
          context "when given a number n" $  
              it "should return the number n + 1" $ property $
                  \n -> mySuccessor n == n + 1

  main :: IO ()
  main = hspec spec               

The line

  import Test.QuickCheck

imports this quickcheck library, which lets us write property-based tests. Here is such a test:

  context "when given a number n" $  
      it "should return the number n + 1" $ property $
          \n -> mySuccessor n == n + 1

Notice the addition of property $, followed by a function that expresses the property: $\forall n . f(n) = n + 1$. When we run this test, the quickcheck library will generate a bunch of possible inputs and check that the property holds for each input. Let’s see that now:

  *SuccessorSpec> :l test/SuccessorSpec
  [1 of 2] Compiling MyCode           ( MyCode.hs, interpreted )
  [2 of 2] Compiling SuccessorSpec    ( test/SuccessorSpec.hs, interpreted )
  Ok, two modules loaded.
  *SuccessorSpec> main

    mySuccessor 0
      should be 1
    when given a number n
      should return the number n + 1
        +++ OK, passed 100 tests.

  Finished in 0.0077 seconds
  2 examples, 0 failures

Quickcheck generated 100 numbers n and checked that mySuccessor n = n + 1.

Multiple specs in the same test file

Sometimes, we might want to test multiple functions in the same file, and Haskell’s testing library makes that easy.

In MyCode.hs, let’s add another “plus one function”:

  mySuccessor' :: Integer -> Integer
  mySuccessor' = (+ 1)

Now we have two different implementations of “plus one”: a function called mySuccessor and a function called mySuccessor'. To test both functions in the test/SuccessorSpec.hs file, we write two distinct specs — one for each function. Then, we combine the specs into a single one that we can run.

  module SuccessorSpec where

  import MyCode           -- the code under test
  import Test.Hspec       -- for unit testing
  import Test.QuickCheck  -- for property-based testing

  {- Testing mySuccessor -}
  mySuccessorSpec :: Spec
  mySuccessorSpec =      
      describe "MyCode.mySuccessor" $  do

          -- Unit testing: test one input / output pair for this function 
          context "mySuccessor 0" $  
              it "should be 1" $ 
                mySuccessor 0 `shouldBe` 1

          -- Property-based testing: generate input / output pairs according
          -- to a specification
          context "when given a number n" $  
              it "should return the number n + 1" $ property $
                  \n -> mySuccessor n == n + 1

  {- Testing mySuccessor' -}
  mySuccessorSpec' :: Spec
  mySuccessorSpec' =      
      describe "MyCode.mySuccessor'" $  do

          -- Model testing: generate inputs and test against 
          -- a reference implementation (in this case, mySuccessor)
          context "when given a number n" $  
              it "should return the same as mySuccessor n" $ property $
                  \n -> mySuccessor' n == mySuccessor n

  spec :: Spec
  spec = do 
      describe "mySuccessor" mySuccessorSpec
      describe "mySuccessor'" mySuccessorSpec'

  main :: IO ()
  main = hspec spec

There are a few of things to call out here. First, each function under test gets its own spec.

Next, the spec for mySuccessor' uses mySuccessor as a reference implementation: the property says “for all inputs $n$, mySuccessor' n should give the same result as mySuccessor n “.

Finally, the file combines the two spec s together into a single spec we can run:

  spec :: Spec
  spec = do 
      describe "mySuccessor" mySuccessorSpec
      describe "mySuccessor'" mySuccessorSpec'

  main :: IO ()
  main = hspec spec

To run the tests, we can load this file in ghci and run main:

  $ ghci test/SuccessorSpec.hs
  GHCi, version 8.6.3:  :? for help
  [1 of 2] Compiling MyCode           ( MyCode.hs, interpreted )
  [2 of 2] Compiling SuccessorSpec    ( test/SuccessorSpec.hs, interpreted )
  Ok, two modules loaded.
  *SuccessorSpec> main

      mySuccessor 0
        should be 1
      when given a number n
        should return the number n + 1
          +++ OK, passed 100 tests.
      when given a number n
        should return the same as mySuccessor n
          +++ OK, passed 100 tests.

  Finished in 0.0030 seconds
  3 examples, 0 failures

We can also run just one of the specs by passing it to the hspec function:

  *SuccessorSpec> hspec mySuccessorSpec

    mySuccessor 0
      should be 1
    when given a number n
      should return the number n + 1
        +++ OK, passed 100 tests.

  Finished in 0.0041 seconds
  2 examples, 0 failures

Automated Test Discovery

We are starting to build up a good-sized testing suite for our code. Right now, it consists of two files (test/FactSpec.hs and test/SuccessorSpec.hs), each with multiple test cases. We can, of course, run each of these tests separately; but it might be nice to run them all together. Additionally, as we add more code and more tests, it would be nice to have a way to run all the tests.

Fortunately, with a little bit of magic, the Haskell testing library can discover all the tests we’ve written and automatically combine them into a single test suite.

Here’s how it works. First, we need to create a file test/Spec.hs, with the following contents:

  {-# OPTIONS_GHC -F -pgmF hspec-discover #-}

Then, to load the tests into ghci, we load this file using the -itest flag:

  $ ghci -itest test/Spec.hs
  GHCi, version 8.6.3:  :? for help
  [1 of 4] Compiling MyCode           ( MyCode.hs, interpreted )
  [2 of 4] Compiling FactSpec         ( test/FactSpec.hs, interpreted )
  [3 of 4] Compiling SuccessorSpec    ( test/SuccessorSpec.hs, interpreted )
  [4 of 4] Compiling Main             ( test/Spec.hs, interpreted )
  Ok, four modules loaded.

(Note that we must use the -itest flag when using automated test discovery. This flag tells Haskell where to look for the other test files, namely in the test directory.)

Now, if we run main, we’ll see the results of all our tests.

  *Main> main

      fact 0
        should be 1
      fact 1
        should be 1
      fact 5
        should be 120
        mySuccessor 0
          should be 1
        when given a number n
          should return the number n + 1
            +++ OK, passed 100 tests.
        when given a number n
          should return the same as mySuccessor n
            +++ OK, passed 100 tests.

  Finished in 0.0042 seconds
  6 examples, 0 failures


The automated test discovery requires us to do the following things:

  • Place our tests in the test subdirectory.
  • Make sure the name of each test file ends with Spec.hs.
  • Make sure each test file defines a variable spec :: Spec.
  • Create a test/Spec.hs file that contains the “autodiscovery magic”:

      {-# OPTIONS_GHC -F -pgmF hspec-discover #-}
  • Use the -itest flag when running the tests.

Try it for yourself!

The code for this page is available in our course GitHub, in the example-tests directory. Feel free to git clone this code and play around with it.